Posted tagged ‘some elephants like apples’

Sevenling – If Eve Had Been Offered a Pear

September 23, 2012

copyright Ellen Wilson

Sevenling- If Eve Had Been Offered a Pear

If Eve had been offered a pear
in his world view, thereā€™d be no sin,
death, knowledge of good and evil;

only the press for ripeness, which would have called her
to wait long re-decisionist days for
the fruit to soften, moisten, slither between her lips–

As for me, a woman (and archetypal enough), I like crunch.


The above is a “sevenling” posted for a form and picture prompt by Kerry O’Connor of With Real Toads. Read Kerry’s article for more information about the form which was inspired by Anna Ahkmotova, developed by Roddy Lumsdon. Mine is a rather silly example, but check out Real Toads for some lovely (and more serious) ones.

And if you have even more time, check out my books! Poetry, GOING ON SOMEWHERE, (by Karin Gustafson, illustrated by Diana Barco). 1 Mississippi -counting book for lovers of rivers, light and pachyderms, or Nose Dive, a very fun novel that is perfect for a pool or beachside escape. Nose Dive is available on Kindle for just 99 cents!
