Archive for the ‘Kristen Stewart’ category

Big Brother In a Bowler? A Twit Who Tweets? A Poor Guy Who Just Got Carried Away? Translates Into No Respite For Robsten!

February 27, 2010

Bowler Hat With Periscope and Smart Phone

The entertainment blogosphere is literally atwitter with news that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are apparently a true life couple  after all.   While it seems a bit odd that Rob and Kristen have made such an effort to hide their liason (although it has been a PR bonanza), the weirdest recent incident revolves around one of the many who’s spied them out.

And who is that?  A Conservative British politician, Nicholas Clark, British Council member, who, spotting the couple at a cozy meeting in a London pub, tweeted about them repeatedly, down to the  “on the lips” part.  (As if Rob and Kristen didn’t have enough trouble with paparazzi, now they have to worry about British council members.)

Doesn’t the guy have something better to do?  (Okay, okay don’t I have something better to do?  Yes, but my excuse is that I’m not British and I’m trying to keep up a daily blog.)

Seriously, what happened to the famous British reserve?  The minding of one’s own business.

Clark later apologized “2” the couple, an apology which, it seems, was also made by Twitter (unless he habitually substitutes numbers and letters for words.)

To satisfy the insatiable demands of the followers of this blog for news of Robsten, I tried to do a little independent research re Clark.  I had a very hard time finding a Nick or Nicholas or Nicolas Clark (there are several spellings of the name in the Robsten articles)  who is a councilmember.  But I have found a Nick Clarke, a conservative Councilmember for the county of Fulborne in Cambridgeshire, who (believe it or not!) has a blog of his very own.   Aha!

(P.S. if Nick Clarke, Cambridgeshire, is the wrong Nick Clark, many apologies.)

Amazing Sight on Isle of Wight! (Robsten Above the Radar!)

January 12, 2010

Breaking news!  Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart sighted together on a New Year’s getaway outside a grocery store in Ventnor, a small British resort (which sounds suspiciously like a property on the Monopoly board), on the Isle of Wight.

Hope is not lost!  After weeks of worldwide speculation, then doubt, then near silence (and possibly despair),  proof has finally been found that a young handsome movie star will fall in love with a young beautiful movie co-star.  (What a revelation!)

Though apparently on a secret hideaway, the couple generously, but separately, posed for pictures with a local resident.  These pictures were then, somehow, posted on a local blog, which led to island’s immediate infestation by teenage girls:  “all the young girls have been trying to find him,” said store manager Jez Harmer. “They have been out on a hunt.”

No luck for these fans, however.  “It’s literally a mystery,” Harmer said.

The mystery Harmer was referring to is not quite clear–that the fans descended so quickly?  Where Robsten has gone?  That they posed for pictures in the first place?

Soon after the sighting on Wight, internet “news” sources wrote that Robsten was planning to buy a house on Ventnor.  (Just like in the game.)

Kristen on Conan

November 17, 2009

Not Quite Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart appeared on late night television last night in the guise of a very nervous, earnest, and extremely young girl (okay, woman), who totally wants people to like her, but not (a) weirdly, nor (b) with expectations she can’t possibly fulfill.    These perfectly reasonable wishes could, unfortunately, disqualify a certain percentage of her fans, especially those who have tattooed her image on their bodies.  (Hopefully, their tattoo artists are better than me.)

A Real Rob Pattinson – Kristen Stewart Day

November 8, 2009

I had a real Robert Pattinson-Kristen Stewart day today.  This is not to say that I:

1.  Googled their names;
2.   Checked any other sources of current “news” about them;
3.   Looked at any Twilight or New Moon trailers;
4.   Caught sight of any super handsome male or hot chick in my apartment.

Nope.   What I did do was spend most of an incredibly beautiful day indoors.  In my case, this had nothing to do with the adulation of millions of fans, or the doggedness of  hundreds of paparazzi, but simply the press of work that needed to be done on a computer.  I told myself repeatedly I should do my work while my energy and resolve were strong.  Nonetheless, as the sun moved across the sky (outside my window), I grew grouchier and grouchier, more and more depressed.

Finding lovely patterns of light on my floor did not make me feel better; even sitting in those spots of light did not do the trick.

I finally gave up/gave in/succumbed, stepped out into a brilliant day.  Light bathed the New York Harbor, the horizon literally glowed.  No one, running through a fountain, screamed for me to stop.  I kept my shirt on.  My shoes are not brown.

Despite my lack of brown shoes and six-pack, despite my lack of long curly dark hair, for that matter, I thought of Rob and Kristen.  What I thought of was all those days when they weren’t filming New Moon and Eclipse and felt stuck in their respective luxury hotel suites (or same luxury hotel suite.  Whatever.)   Not able to go out into the sunlight—not because of the Volturi, but the vulturi–all those nonstop camera clicks.

It made me sympathetic with Kristen’s recent explosion, even of all the f-words, and Rob’s occasional surliness.   Yes, they’re both making tons of dough; but the value of a quiet walk on a public riverbank on a beautiful sunny day is pretty hard to calculate, and must be very hard to give up.