Posted tagged ‘Pink in ribbons from ceiling’

Grammys – Live Blogging, Robotic Performers

January 31, 2010

The second time today that I was happy to close my eyes during a musical performance  (see prior post “Eyes Wide Shut”) has been the Grammys!  I have to confess to never before seeing the Grammy awards.  They were turned on in my apartment to see Stephen Colbert, who appeared all too briefly.

Since then, Jennifer Lopez has appeared in a dress empaneled with packing material, Beyonce has impersonated an angry robot, Fergy has been involved with even angrier robots, and tonsils have borne heavy impact.  Dancers have shown a great deal of  self-righteousness and a lot of breast and thigh.  Pink started off in a cut-up beach robe, and ended up in a be-ribboned body suit hanging from the ceiling in.  What was perhaps most amazing about her singing was that she could do it at all while sideways suspended under a sprinkler system.

Popular culture, amazing!  Is it really popular?!

Zac Brown Group won best new artist, and so far have also been the best just regular nice guys.

Oh wait!  Colbert just won one.  I take it all back.