Posted tagged ‘old times in the closet’

Encountering Old Friends When Looking For a Ukulele

May 18, 2012


I was very proud today, when my visiting daughter was looking for our ukulele, to be able to direct her immediately to an old box that was never unpacked after our last move several years ago.

Amazingly enough when she pulled the box down from the top of a closet, we saw the word “ukulele” scribbled on one flap.

Even more amazing was the fact that the ukulele was actually IN the box.

And beneath the ukulele, on top of a three games of Monopoly and one of a Scrabble, was an old sketch pad that included a series of drawings and paintings I did for a yet unpublished children’s book.

I’d almost completely forgotten about the book.  It is about–you guessed it–a couple of elephants, a dog, and a yoga mouse.

They reunite above.


Join me at dVerse Poets Pub tomorrow where I am hosting the Poetics Prompt.  I’d give you a hint of the prompt, but I’m not completely sure yet!  Come to dVerse and check it out!!!!