Posted tagged ‘country life’


August 1, 2014



The mangy fox ranges
field to lawn,as
estranged from his sly skin, worn

I shout out “get away”
as I’ve been told,
the fox-stare back not bold,
but marble-shot direct
as yellow eyes reflect
a desert in the green,
this fox who shouldn’t be seen
except as stalk
in taller grass,
who pauses where I pass
to gnaw a paw–

All night the same–
the mangy fox who ranges through
my brain, kneading,


Here’s a sort of poem very belatedly offered for Kerry O’Connor’s prompt on With Real Toads about alienation.  I think Kerry was thinking in more space age-y terms, but this came up.  Photo is mine of poor little fox wandering around. 

Sorry to have been so out of touch.  I have been working a great deal at my job and also busy with certain family obligations (and family pleasures.)  Miss miss miss posting poems, but just not possible right now.