Hello! (Again)

Hello! I have been long absent! This is partly because of other work, but also because a kind of cloud that descended over me in approximately 2016; the date of Trump’s first election. This is not a political post! I mention politics by way of explanation—that election kind of soured me on blogging and it’s really been hard to pick it up consistently since.

In any case, 2016 was a long time ago, and I’m going to see if I can overcome the cloud!

And one experience that has sometimes brought the sun for me has been a series of online drawing classes I have taken with Peter Hristoff, an artist at School of Visual Arts.

The classes, called Inventory Drawing, or Fearless Drawing, involve very fast (one minute) sketches often of an absolutely wonderful crew of models who work with Peter. The idea is to push you out of your hesitation, your procrastination, your reluctance to commit. This is certainly helped by Peter Hristoff’s really masterful encouragement.

In any case, here are some of my sketches from a recent class. The underlying figure is the quick sketch. I have added color since the class.

I post them because the act of making the drawings is always so helpful for me. I’m not sure if viewing them has a good effect! I have a feeling that the making is an important part of the trick–but hopefully, seeing my awkward efforts will encourage you to try some yourself. (I’m sorry that you may not have the great models!)

In any case, all the best!

(And, as always, all rights reserved.)

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One Comment on “Hello! (Again)”

  1. Helen Says:

    How delightful to find you in my feed this morning!!! I’ve missed your posts. I am intrigued with the concepts of inventory drawing / fearless drawing. I believe it’s much like the way I approach writing poetry! Come what may!! Have a great day. Don’t be a stranger.

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