So, says the Universe

So, says the Universe

You think I do not love you because
people die;
because you lose your sight, because
leaders lie;
because your child may be harmed.

How could a universe that loved you
let your child be harmed?

You think if the universe loved you,
your life would be charmed.

I send you signs–all the time I send you signs.
In the moss that grows
beneath your toes, every thread crowned;
in the moss crowned with stars
beneath your toes.

In the stars that moth your nights;
In your breath, in light,
in what grows from death, from blight.

In what’s born
from what never really died;
in all that stands and sits and lies.

I roar that love
in strong winds,
murmur it in all manner
of susurrus,
holding you in my non-arms.

What you look at, you’ll find charmed.
Even when you cannot see,
oh my dear one. 


Poem for April and Fireblossom’s Friday on Real Toads.  The prompt to write about love from the perspective who loves someone who does not know about it.  (The poem is still a draft, and I have edited it since posting.) 

Finally coming up for air on my end and hope to return comments. 

The pic is mine from my book, Good Light Room, available on Amazon

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5 Comments on “So, says the Universe”

  1. Jan Says:

    Lovely poem Karin!!
    Much love!

  2. M Says:

    this deserves a recording, K ~

  3. coalblack Says:

    Lovely and thoughtful stuff, friend.

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